Pisces Full Moon Where Dreams Become Reality Through Virgo Structures

2023-01-14T15:03:55-05:00By |Astrology|

The mother of manifestation is approaching the mother of dreams as the Moon will be full in Pisces, the sign of spiritual healing & belief that anything is possible. Pisces understands to achieve, you must believe. One must take what’s in their mind and feel, 

it will be real. 

So what do you feel about your life and what do you want? 

With a stellium in Virgo, I should rephrase that question. Virgo energy tends to make feelings based upon logic from what’s happening in the physical plane versus what’s happening inside. 

You see Pisces (the opposite sign of Virgo) is not focusing on what’s happening in the 3D world but in the spiritual world, the Yin, the inner. This is why Neptune rules […]